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Tebello Rose's interest in fact-based fiction and audio-visual storytelling stems from a deep appreciation of the human story.


Rose's first steps into ethnographic study began with Sunday afternoons spent listening to her grandparents' stories of family life during the Depression.  Her love for listening to stories persisted throught the years and now informs her often interview-based documentary pieces.  In her spare time, she has begun to experiment with ways of bridging the gap between fact-based ethnographic film and the art of fiction in the hopes of creating a new genre which both protects and fully represents sources while still fully engaging an audience through artful storytelling.

Tebello Rose takes on a array of film projects, each of which promotes the positive power of the human person or shows the intricacies of humanity.  Back in New England from nearly 2 years in London, she is gladly diving headfirst into the East Coast story-telling scene and thrilled to be part of documentary and fiction-based cinema, theatre and beyond.


'Nothing is norm and everything is norm.'


With a background in print and radio journalism, Rose is always happy to follow the story, engage in new experiences and meet new people.  She continues to take the odd freelance job in print and radio as a means of continuing to build storytelling techniques and to keep diversity in her life. One never knows when or where the next subject will come.


Past projects in print, radio, or film have included such topics as: women's issues, global equality, social services, State policy, home, ESL classroom relations, paranormal investigation, and event coverage among others.

Tebello Rose has worked on video research projects, film productions, and journalistic stories in the US, the UK, Lesotho, and Italy and is available to work in a variety of production and research positions as well as other creative industries.  


Tebello Rose is currently involved in:

  • completing post-production for the Wom[e]n of the Year documentary project

  • reading manuscripts for Lanternfish Press

  • writing an original screenplay

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